Farmers warned over field fire threat

FIREFIGHTERS have urged farmers to take measures to protect their livelihoods after a spate of field fires have occurred in the region.

The latest field blaze happened on Saturday (23) on Haugh Road in Rawmarsh at 4.22am when standing corn caught fire.

Dearne station were in attendance for several hours and used water back packs to put out the fire.

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There were four more field fires across South Yorkshire over the Bank Holiday weekend, including an incident on the same day on Hazel Road in Edlington at around 4.30pm.

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said it has now attended more than 40 fires since June, either on farm sites or involving crops in fields.

Many of the fires were started deliberately, with most farms’ isolated locations, open boundaries and easily ignitable materials like hay and straw making them particularly vulnerable to arson.

Arson reduction officer Andy Kirwan from South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, said: “We get called to dozens of field and farm fires each year in South Yorkshire, with many of these fires occurring around harvesting time.

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“Not only do fires like this put lives at risk by potentially diverting fire engines away from other, life threatening incidents, they also cost farmers thousands of pounds in damage.

“The maximum sentence for arson is life in prison.

“People do get caught and do get prosecuted, so we urge people to report arsonists to the police.”

To help prevent fires, farmers are being asked to:

Remove hay and straw as soon as possible after harvesting.

Store fuels, fertilisers and pesticides securely – preferably under lock and key.

Check unoccupied and remote areas of the farm to make sure they are safe and secure.

Anyone with information about people starting fires in their area should call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.