ARMC specialists see hard work on Boeing 787 pay off

THE research team behind cutting-edge airline equipment swapped Rotherham for Heathrow to see the culmination of their hard work in action on a new jet.

Representatives from the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre at Catcliffe were at Heathrow Airport to see the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the world’s most advanced passenger aeroplane.

Boeing’s new 787 Dreamliner visited the airport as part of Boeing's Dream Tour.

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Specialist researchers at the AMRC worked on the plane for over 18 months,  with engineers at Messier-Bugatti-Dowty to develop the optimum machining processes to be adopted in the manufacture of new generation landing gear.

The Dream Tour, which has so far seen the new aircraft travel all over the world, provided AMRC workers with the opportunity to see up close the contribution that their work has made to the Dreamliner.

AMRC is one of a number of companies from the UK that forms part of the 787’s global supply chain.