Anti-crime advice to help you stay safe in the summer

LOCK all doors and windows if you’re out in the garden this summer, police in Rotherham have warned.

Police say they are constantly reminding people to ensure that all doors and windows are locked and closed, but many forget their garden security.

Not only are thieves on the look-out for anything that they can steal such as BBQs, patio furniture, children’s toys, bikes and power tools, but they could also use equipment not stored correctly to access your homes, officers say.

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“If car keys are left on display, a thief will often use heavy objects found in the garden to smash their way into your property and take the keys and steal the car, before the occupants have awoken to the noise,” a spokesman said.

Advice includes:

Avoid storing valuables such as power tools, fishing tackle or golf clubs in a shed.  These items should be stored inside your home or a secure garage.

If you have been working in your garden ensure that you lock away tools such as spades or forks when you’re finished. Tools left out overnight could be used by an intruder to gain access to your property.

Screw windows on sheds or fit window locks.  Hang old curtains or netting  against the window to prevent anyone seeing what is stored in your shed.

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Never leave spare keys hidden in your garden, garage or shed for children or family members. 

If hidden keys are found by an intruder and used to burgle your home you may find your home insurance invalid.

PC Andy Robinson, Rotherham crime reduction officer, said: “The starting point for many of the house burglaries in Rotherham has been through an insecure window or door. 

“Up to 40 per cent of burglaries have occurred in this way. The solution to this problem is simple, never leave windows open and if you are working outdoors and the house is unoccupied, lock the doors to ensure that no one can sneak-in whilst you are at the bottom of the garden.”

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