In support of our beautiful fields

I PASS Herringthorpe Playing Fields on most days, and on a sunny day it almost shouts out ‘look at me, I’m beautiful.’

Just how it came there in the first place remains a mystery, but I must say it fascinates me.

It offers many things for local people and one has to be overwhelmed by its spatial awareness. Considering it is surrounded by houses, makes it the main attraction.

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However, I do wish Kath Reeder and her members the best of luck. As we already know dealing with the council is another matter.

It has been well noted that in the past they have dropped some real clangers. Those fools up on the hill have a lot to answer for.

Perish the thought, but should the club win the battle then sadly they will have broken for ever the magic spell of the playing fields.

Sporting activities have been part of my life, but in this matter I’m with the Friends of Herringthorpe.


Les Davis, Gallow Tree Road, Rotherham

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