Town buses not good enough

I THINK the Rotherham Transport buses are shocking. They don’t come on time and when I’m trying to get home and carrying two heavy shopping bags, I should catch a 41 bus, if not a 39 bus, and I have to struggle off and walk for 10 minutes, then I’m home an

I know they are asking for more drivers, I like it when a driver smiles to me and says “yes duck”. Where I live I look at bus stop time and then look at my watch and if it’s too long to wait, I walk for 10 minutes to the next bus stop and catch a 40 bus to town and it’s always on time. But the most frequent bus is the Maltby bus.

I do like travelling on the bus with my pass, but it annoys me having to wait a long time to go to town and back.

V Pickersgill, Sidons Close, Kimberworth Park

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