Westby Avenue: Christmas countdown is on

SORRY to talk about it, it is still November after all, but Christmas really is creeping up on us now.

I’m really looking forward to Christmas this year after what has been one of the busiest and most amazing years of my life.

In the last 12 months, my ‘husband’ and I have moved house twice, turned 30 and got married (among other things) so we are both now enjoying having a very short to-do list.

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For the first time in months we can enjoy a slower pace of life and take time to see family and friends, work on the house and just relax.

I loved the build up to the wedding but coupled with moving house and maintaining a social life, it was a little stressful at times.

Therefore, having had a few months to recover, I am now more than ready to welcome Christmas and the preparation that goes with it.

I’ve already started buying presents (which is organised for me) and thinking about where the tree will go in our new house.

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It’s easy to get flustered deciding what to buy people but really presents is not what it’s all about.

I’m going to buy a few new decorations this year and might even have a go at some Christmas cooking.

As usual, I’ll make some kind of personalised gifts from stockings to hang by the fire to crackers to give as presents.

I really really love doing things like that for people because during the rest of the year life sometimes moves at such a fast pace that you forget to do the little things to show people how much you appreciate them.

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I know you shouldn’t wait until Christmas to do it but this year in particular I want people around me to know how grateful I am for all their support and love.

One of the downsides of being a journalist is that we don’t shut down for Christmas so I get quite jealous of the people who have a proper uninterrupted break.

But all jobs have their perks so I’m not going to start complaining. Instead I’ll make the most of the days I do have off.

So good luck with your Christmas shopping and remember...it’s the thought that counts.