VIDEO: Reconstruction of murder victim Alena Grlakova's last known movements in Parkgate

Signs have been erected around Parkgate appealing for information about Alena GrlakovaSigns have been erected around Parkgate appealing for information about Alena Grlakova
Signs have been erected around Parkgate appealing for information about Alena Grlakova
DETECTIVES investigating the murder of a Swinton woman have released a reconstruction showing her last known movements in a bid to jog potential witnesses' memories.

Alena Grlakova (38) was last seen in the Parkgate area on Boxing Day and was reported missing in January.


Her body was found on April 8 on land just off Taylor’s Lane — just yards from where she was last seen — and police believe she was murdered on Boxing Day. Her body was found naked and concealed in a dried-up stream.

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Officers have been trying to trace witnesses who might have seen Alena on the evening of December 26 around the Travellers pub or the Fitzwilliam Arms.

The streambed where Alena Grlakova's body was found on April 8.

Alena went into the Travellers on Broad Street just after 6.35pm on Boxing Day and later into the Fitzwilliam Arms on Taylor’s Lane at 7.10pm. She left about ten minutes later, returning to the Fitzwilliam Arms again just before 7.40pm.


Det Chief Insp Mark Oughton, who is leading the investigation, said: “I want people to look at [the reconstruction] and just think back to December 26 — did you see Alena in this local area?

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“Any little bit of information could be crucial to my investigation."

Information has been received about one of Alena's flip-flops being seen outside the entrance to the Parkgate Inn pub on December 28 - but Mr Oughton said the footwear and her other items of clothing had not been recovered by officers.

“Did you see a pair of flip-flops around the Parkgate area lying about on the street on December 26 to 28?" he said.

“Did you recover those flip-flops? Because if you did, I need you to get in touch with me.”

The clothes Alena Grlakova was wearing on Boxing Day

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Mr Oughton said a team of detectives were working through hours of CCTV to try to piece together what happened to Alena.

“Last night, police officers were out in the local pubs trying to jog people’s memories and to find out if they were in this area on December 26,” he said.

“I want to reassure people that South Yorkshire Police is doing everything we can to try to bring the person who is responsible for this terrible act to justice.”

He added: “We are painstakingly looking through hours of CCTV and there are ongoing forensic tests.

“As well as that, a further post-mortem is due next week.”

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Mr Oughton confirmed that a 45-year-old Rotherham man who was arrested on suspicion of murder remained on police bail.

Anyone with information can contact police on:

- 101 quoting incident number 453 of 8 April 2019

- Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111

- The incident room on 01709 443540

- Or complete an online form on the Major Incident Portal at

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