Scrap firm CF Booth fined £50,000 over worker's lathe injury

The aftermath of the incidentThe aftermath of the incident
The aftermath of the incident
AN ENGINEERING company has been fined £50,000 after a worker was injured when he was pulled into a machine not set up in line with safety standards.

The 37-year-old man sustained a large open cut to his arm, which required an operation, and needed 24 stitches to his lip after the incident at CF Booth (Engineering) Ltd in Rotherham.

Sheffield Magistrates’ Court heard he had become entangled in a lathe at the firm’s Lyme Street premises on May 9, 2018.

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The court heard that the man had been working on a Hankook CNC lathe when, as he leaned over to adjust a screw, his T-shirt caught on some screws and he was pulled into the machinery.

An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that machinery had interlock devices fitted but they had been bypassed or “defeated”.

This meant it was possible to move guards that should have been interlocked out of the way during set-up, to allow access to the rotating chuck and workpiece parts.

CF Booth (Engineering) Ltd, of Wharfe Road, Doncaster, admitted breaching the Health & Safety at Work Act.

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As well as the £50,000 fine, the company was ordered to pay £3,077 in costs.

After the hearing, HSE inspector Carol Downes said: “This case highlights the importance of ensuring safety features are working correctly and carrying out proper risk assessments.

“This incident could so easily have been avoided by ensuring safety devices are not defeated and by ensuring the correct control measures and safe working practices are in place.

“Companies should be aware that HSE will not hesitate to take appropriate enforcement action against those that fall below the required standards.”

A spokesman for CF Booth said the company had no comment to make.