WHAT'S ON: Wickersley & Listerdale

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KIVETON PARK INDEPENDENT ADVICE CENTRE: A drop-in session, with no appointment necessary, will be held on Tuesday 4-6pm at Wickersley Library. To contact (office hours) 01909 773966.


SURGERY TIMES: Cllr John Turner, who represents the Hellaby ward on Rotherham Council, holds a surgery at Wickersley Library and Community Centre, Bawtry Road, on the first Tuesday of each month 5.30-6.30pm.


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ST ALBAN’S CHURCH: The church was decorated for harvest by the flower arranging team. At the harvest thanksgiving service many food gifts were received. These will be taken in the main to the Rotherham Foodbank for distribution in parcels for needy families, though some will be made up into parcels for housebound or elderly people in the parish. The church music group Domino performed accompaniments to the harvest hymns, and the children played percussion instruments in some of the worship songs. St Alban’s Primary School and Flanderwell Primary School held harvest festival services in church.