WHAT'S ON: Wickersley & Listerdale

What's on in your local area

KIVETON PARK INDEPENDENT ADVICE CENTRE: A drop-in session, with no appointment necessary, will be held on Tuesday 4-6pm at Wickersley Library. To contact (office hours) 01909 773966.


SURGERY TIMES: Cllr John Turner, who represents the Hellaby ward on Rotherham Council, holds a surgery at Wickersley Library and Community Centre, Bawtry Road, on the first Tuesday of each month 5.30-6.30pm.


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COUNCILLOR SURGERY TIMES: The three ward councillors for the Wickersley ward – Sue Ellis, Emma Hoddinott and Chris Read – normally hold four local advice surgeries each month. These are private meetings between councillors and local residents. First Saturday of month 10-11am at Wickersley Library and Community Centre, second Friday of month 6-7pm at Bramley Parish Hall, third Tuesday of month 9.30-10.30am at Mark Grove Community Centre, fourth Monday of month 6-7pm at Sunnyside Community Centre. www.wickersleyward.org.uk 


ST ALBAN’S CHURCH: Members of the PCC attended a Diocesan Development Social at St Francis Church, Bramley on October 10. A service of communion was held 8.30am on October 11 followed by a family morning prayer service 10.30am, led by Alan Pycroft. The evening service was harvest songs of praise when the choir sang the anthem Lord of the Harvest, and traditional harvest hymns were sung. The Christianity Explored and Discipleship Explored courses continued on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at the rectory. The Men’s Fellowship group met for a talk by Mike Spick on J G Graves: Businessman and Benefactor. 


WICKERSLEY METHODIST WIVES GROUP: October 12 meeting – president Mrs Margaret Baldry welcomed members who were preparing gifts for the tombola and lucky bag stall for the autumn fair tomorrow. A raffle was held. There is no meeting on Monday, the next meeting is October 26 when the group will present their cheques to both Rotherham Hospice and the church from their fundraising during the last year.