Sea safety boss tries his hand at comedy

THE CO-FOUNDER of a marine safety business from Rotherham is hoping not to be all at sea when he indulges in some funny business tomorrow.

Martek Marine’s Steve Coulson, along with seven other leading figures from organisations in the region, is preparing to take the scary step on stage to deliver a stand-up comedy routine to raise money for Weston Park Hospital.

He is participating in Funny Business, a unique fundraising event organised by Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity in association with the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), for which an audience of more than 400 is expected.

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For the past five weeks, Steve and his fellow aspiring comedians have been in training with top Sheffield comic, Alfie Moore, and their efforts will culminate with a live performance on stage at Sheffield City Hall on Thursday.

Steve, sales director with Martek Marine in Manvers, said: “Although I’m used to public speaking I’ve never done stand-up comedy before.

“I think you should do things that scare you and this certainly fits the bill.

“I am extremely happy to be taking part in the event to raise money for Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity.

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“The charity is a fantastic organisation that does wonderful work for the hospital which provides excellent care for so many people in the region.”

Others taking part in the comedy challenge include Chief Supt Rachel Barber and Chief Insp Caroline Rollitt from South Yorkshire Police and Prof Graham Honeyman, chief executive of Sheffield Forgemasters International.

Funds raised will contribute to the Cancer Charity’s Do Your Bit campaign, which is raising funds for a new, state-of-the-art Cancer Research and Treatment Suite at Weston Park Hospital.

Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity’s acting deputy director, Tina Harrison, said: “It’s fantastic to create a fun and challenging event that brings well-known representatives from leading organisations together.

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“They have all really got into the spirit of the event and I can't wait to see what they'll bring on the night.”

Tickets priced £15 each are on general release and can be purchased from the City Hall Box Office by calling 0114 2789789 or visiting


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