Help us make Christmas merry for deprived Rotherham kids

WE NEED your help to make Christmas special for needy Rotherham kids.

The Advertiser has teamed up with Rotherham Borough Council for our annual Toy Appeal, which invites you, or readers, to show you care by making a donation to those who will struggle to buy presents.

We are asking generous folk to donate a gift or toy which could be a CD, colouring items, board games or DVDs.

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We will present the items to the team from the council to give out to the borough’s most in-need families.

Advertiser editor Andrew Mosley said: “Christmas may be a time of celebration for many people, but for others it is a period of stress and worry.

“That is why the Christmas Toy Appeal is vital in enabling the less well off to experience at least some of the joys of the festive period that are taken for granted by others.

“The Advertiser is delighted to back the Christmas Toy Appeal and trusts that the generous people of Rotherham will do their best to make sure as many children in the community as possible experience the joy of opening a present on Christmas Day.”

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Gifts must be wrapped and marked with a tag stating whether they are for a boy or girl and what age they are suitable for.

We then ask that you drop them off at our office in Wellgate by Thursday, December 17.

For more information contact 01709 379247.

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