80s classic play set to visit Doncaster's Cast Theatre

The cast of Rita, Sue and Bob Too.The cast of Rita, Sue and Bob Too.
The cast of Rita, Sue and Bob Too.
TWO teenage girls embark on an affair with a married man in a play coming to Doncaster’s Cast Theatre later this year.

The classic 80s play Rita, Sue and Bob Too by Andrea Dunbar will be at the theatre from Tuesday, November 7, to Saturday, November 11.

Set in Bradford, best friends Rita and Sue get a lift home from married Bob after babysitting his kids. When he takes the scenic route and offers them a bit of fun, the three start a fling they each think they control.

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Rita, Sue and Bob Too stars Yorkshire talent including Taj Atwal, who was widely acclaimed for her performance in East is East at Trafalgar Studios in the West End, and who starred as Rita in Educating Rita for Hull Truck. She is also known from Stella on Sky, and Kay Mellors’ In The Club on BBC One. 

Andrea Dunbar wrote the play, her second, in 1982 when she was just 19.

Performances start at 7.30pm and there is a Saturday matinee on November 11, begining at 2.30pm.

Tickets cost £18.50 for adults or £16.50 for concessions. They are available at castindoncaster.com or by calling 01302 303959.