COMPETITION: Win a Millers shirt as media partnership is announced

YOUR Advertiser is teaming up with Rotherham United – cementing one of the best relationships in football.
We’ve struck a deal to become the club’s media partner as the countdown to the new season ticks down and that’s great news for the fans.
The Millers' incredible achievements of the past few years have been charted week by week by us with unrivalled coverage and we have been with the club through thick and thin over the years, offering analysis, support and, when it has been warranted, criticism.
The agreement cements our position as the number one point of call when it comes to finding out what is going on at the New York Stadium and, from our perspective, it will mean even more coverage, not only on footballing issues but also involving the Millers’ award-winning community activities.
We’re proud of this town’s football team and, as always, our glass will remain half-full.
Both the Millers and the Advertiser are keen to acknowledge the worth behind our partnership by coming to this agreement, with a commitment to working together over the coming season.
We’ll be there following EVERY kick of the season to bring you the very best and the latest news across our cross-platform audience of 250,000 each week. 
To get the ball rolling, we’ve our great summer giveway where YOU can win one of five new Millers’ shirts. 
All you have to do is fill in the entry form in this week's paper, or get the code from the paper and enter below and answer the question correctly to be in with a chance of winning.
Fill out my online form.