Town centre cycling is crazy

THE letter from Zeb Khalin (February 2) is the craziest letter I have ever seen on these pages. He supports the idea of cyclists being allowed to ride through pedestrianised areas to enable them to get exercise.

Thousands of people, many disabled, like yours truly, are in Rotherham doing their shopping, not forgetting the shoplifters who are also at risk if cycling is allowed. Many years ago a friend of mine’s teenage son was cycling on Frederick Street getting some exercise when he became involved in and responsible for a fatal accident outside Rotherham bus terminus. He was prosecuted and sent to prison where he would have plenty of room and time to exercise.

Four weeks ago I was sitting in my car in Bridgegate outside The Angel pub waiting for my wife. I wasn’t bore, I found it interesting watching the ‘The Angels’ minus their wings come out of the pub and stand outside to have a drag at the drug which is known as a cigarette, when a motorcyclist drove up and parked two yards from the front of my car. The bike was a large HP and displayed ‘L’ plates.

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After ten minutes on his mobile phone he set off and to my surprise, instead of going back down Bridgegate, he went straight onto the pedestrianised area at a speed and travelled towards All Saints Square. He returned 15 minutes later from the direction of All Saints Square.

How was a motorcyclist allowed to park up in the town centre without getting spotted? Is it because the traffic wardens had just mashed for a tea-break at their HQ?


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