Share out the slag heap!

NEWS that Maltby pit is to close isn’t a surprise to anyone round Maltby — it closed in 1984 in many people’s eyes.

The burning question is surely what is Hargreaves going to do about the slag heap which they have left behind, which is a eyesore and detrimental to people living on Highfield Park estate.

House prices have fallen because of the mess Hargreaves have left behind.

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I have a suggestion. Why don’t Hargreaves share the slag heap out amongst its shareholders like it shared out the profits?

For every share owned, deliver one tonne of slag to the shareholder’s address, dump it on their garden and let them pay to clear up the mess.

Secondly, MP Kevin Barron was on Look North baffled why Maltby was to be closed and coal was to be imported from America instead.

It’s called free market economics, Kevin, that system Thatcher, yourself and New Labour and the Tories have championed for the last 30 years. The system which has brought our country to its knees. A system which doesn’t mind letting old people freeze to death so energy shareholders can profit. A system where there is no room for unions or collective bargaining. A system which the NHS is about to join and meet its demise.

So Hargreaves take your slag heap with you before you turn out the lights.

Michael Conlon, School Walk, Maltby

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