Services will collapse under influx

I READ with incredulity the excellent letter from Mr Dan Hodgkinson on immigration in the Advertiser.

As pointed out the number of empty homes would have housed the people on Rotherham’s housing waiting list. Several thousand houses are being built on the Waverley (formerly Orgreave) site and yet we are expected to be pleased that our green belt is to be built on. A whole working farm in the case of Bassingthorpe.

This to create urban sprawl in the interest of housing yet more people from outside the borough. We have read in your paper that primary school places are already under great pressure. Jobs in Rotherham are extremely few and far between, particularly ones paying a wage sufficient to obviate the need for benefits. Our services and social cohesian are likely to collapse under the influx.

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I was under the obviously erroneous impression that councillors were elected to represent not ignore the views of their electorate. I can only hope that the people of Rotherham will bear this in mind at the next council elections.

Cath Hallam, Munsbrough Lane,

