Sadly, fly-tipping is an option for some

HAVING had scarification of our lawn this morning and the waste matter put into a number of green bags for disposal, I have just spent a very frustrating morning trying to dispose of this ‘green’ waste.

In the past I have used the council service for disposal of large waste — ie. old mattress etc, so I felt sure that the council would offer a service for the collection of such fully compostable green waste. The very unhelpful advice I was given was that I should wait until after April 6 and then decant this into the green bin on collection days! This would take about five bin loads of garden waste — in the mean time, where should we put our on-going garden waste, lawn clippings etc? (Not really a solution). The alternative was that  we were advised to take it ourselves to the dumpit site — two OAPs loading and unloading  the car several journeys! Is there any wonder that fly-tipping is so prevalent? There must be many other gardeners who generate this type of waste, such as prunings and clippings, at this time of year.

I emailed our local councillor Caven Vines (UKIP) and received an immediate reply (he must be so embarrassed by the council policy he offered to come round and take it to the dumpit site himself!) but it was the explanation he gave that I find incredulous….. and I quote: “I am afraid that’s the council’s rules on waste collection, they think things stop growing in the winter. This is all to save money so they have more to spend on Vanuatu projects.”

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Question for your readers…. What in heaven'’ name are Vanuatu projects?  (I have googled Vanuatu and it seems to be an island in the South Pacific islands near Samoa). What is that to do with  Rotherham and why should our logical services be cut? Is anybody out there able to shed light on this ridiculous situation?

Until Rotherham Council sort out this mess they really cannot blame anyone for taking the cheap option of fly-tipping.

Mrs PM Eggleston