Proud to be asked by Labour to stand as Police Commissioner

Sir, Councillor Currie is entitled to his views, but misses the point about the new Police and Crime Commissioner role.

This is a unique job and the Labour Party have gone outside their usual structures to attract a wide range of candidates, not just in South Yorkshire, but across England and Wales.

It is true I am not a long time Labour Party member, but police officers - particularly senior ones - need to scrupulously avoid party politics.

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I've lived in South Yorkshire for nearly ten years and so I was proud to be approached by a large group of Labour MPs to challenge for the role.

I wouldn't be interested in the post everywhere else. While it is important that the Commissioner holds the police to account, the job also gives responsibility for precept raising; public consultation; developing new services, and making sure that ALL agencies - including  councils - play their part in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

Please visit my website at to read more about how I will make sure everyone across South Yorkshire can have a real voice in local policing. 

Meredydd Hughes, Lordens Hill, Dinnington.

See Simon Currie's original letter.