New Labour are class traitors

IT’S official; New Labour’s not going to do anything different than the Tories on welfare cuts.

Pushed into taking a “credible” position on the economy by Blair, Lord Reid and Lord Mandelson (the architects of New Labour), our two, two faced Eds, have done just that: taken one. Unfortunately — for the people who look desperately to the Labour Party for some way out of this unfolding nightmare — they have proved their credibility to the bankers and financiers and come down in their favour, not ours. Mind you, you would have to have been foolish to expect otherwise.                              

We, in Rotherham and other Labour “heartlands”, are seen as just voting fodder for New Labour, a safe seat, a floor mat, a vehicle, a necessary association that these spivs, carpetbaggers, shysters, careerists, expense fiddlers, paid lobbyists, position seekers etc, have to use every four or five years to get where they want to be: in the corridors of power and earning big bucks.

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No emotions, no empathy, no allegiance and no thought at all for us and our families — and no intention at all of upsetting their pay masters. We are to be sacrificed on the altar of big business.

Balancing the books seems to be New Labour’s priority. Re-financing the banks and finance houses is their objective, not taking them over, or re-financing our manufacturing capabilities or re-nationalising our utility services. They serve the very people who brought this debt catastrophe upon us, not the people who look to them to end it. Indeed they still grovel on their knees before the people in pin-striped suits: the short sellers, long sellers, hedge fund managers, the futures sellers etc., the spivs who deal in a world that has divorced itself from reality, that deals in fictitious wealth, that sells and deals in selling debt or betting that some poor sod won’t be able to pay their mortgage; and power players like George Soros, who can bet against the UK pound and bankrupt our economy whilst making billions out of the misery inflicted. This is the class that New Labour serves — not our class!

This is the state of our party. The founders of the Labour Party must be turning in their graves. Don’t desert it, join it, and drive these changelings back into the parties they belong! And never lose sight of this: all the things we are fighting to retain today were gained by the REAL Labour Party, not this crowd of class traitors.