LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Shame on making council tax political

ROTHERHAM Council budget summary: Labour leader of council says the usual about cuts, austerity, budget difficulties.

Then says usual about what an amazing job Labour are doing with the budget they have. He then goes on to say they don’t have enough government funding so council tax will rise.

Less loudly, he announces the council will then squirrel millions into a reserve contingency fund, because they don’t need the millions this year or last or for that matter any specific plans in the future, but council tax payers need to cough up the dough now, just in case, to add to millions already set aside in contingency funding including money not spent, but provided by government for Covid support.

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The budget is good preparation for any future council election year with money set aside for low/zero council tax increase and/or lots of juicy spending in key wards.

Starve the cash now and blame central government. Contribute to cost of living crisis and blame central government again. It is the economics of politics rather than a budget the people of Rotherham need, and Labour should be ashamed of their blatant politicisation of our council tax once again.

Tom Paterson, Whiston