Letter: Praying for Yes in Scottish vote

It is noticeable that the Yes campaign for Scottish "independence" is led by two fish.

A lot of people in England think it is only a Scottish issue but it does affect us a lot in many ways.

And either way, we the English taxpayer will finish up paying for it, especially if Labour get in in the next election and it is a no vote.

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Whoever is Prime Minister will need to bribe the Scots with our money and I doubt it will be Miliband.

Personally for purely selfish reasons I hope and pray it is a yes vote.

I will then not be paying taxes so that Scots people get free prescriptions and free tuition at university while we here in England have to pay.

Let them get on with it.

In any event, Clegg especially, Cameron and Milliband are dead men walking. And that is whatever the result in the next election.

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Here in Rotherham despite Labour tribal loyalties I expect that the Labour Junta will no longer have a majority at the next council elections.

And Ms Champion will be lucky to hang on to her seat.

Although not involved in the abuse debacle she made a few encouraging noises and then went quiet while Wright and Thacker have still not been done for misconduct and the police are not being actively pursued either.

And not going abroad on junkets should have happened anyway, not used for a publicity stunt.

A strong leader, not Paul Lakin would have suspended them all without pay for misconduct, negligence and a few other things.

Martin Fletcher

Thorpe Hesley

Martin Fletcher

1 Flanders Court

Thorpe Hesley

S61 2UX