Labour is pot calling kettle black

WITH reference to the letter from Mr Dave Smith in last week’s Advertiser I think I am right in assuming this is the same Mr Smith who says he will put up as a councillor for Dinnington. If so maybe he would like to share with us what he would bring to the

And as far as his comments I trot out the same old UKIP mantra I don’t know the man and I don’t think he has ever asked me what my views are and, like all the rest who have a go, just cherry pick and edit what they would like us all to believe. He must read a different UKIP manifesto to me and if he did take the time to read it properly the answers he seeks on how we would achieve it and how we would fund our proposals are there.

I was elected to represent the people of Rawmarsh and I will give that 100 per cent and will answer to them only, not Mr Dave Smith or any other prospective candidate.

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Also the comments made by Cllr Jo Burton about cutbacks and how they are effecting front line services in RMBC.

I see she doesn’t mention how the Labour councillors are cutting back on their trips to Romania etc. Just what benefit has this brought to our town’s frontline services and why have they not told us why they went? Maybe it was to let them know that Rotherham is looking forward to welcoming them in January 2014 and how they are going to allow thousands of new houses to build on our Green Belt for them to live in. And the loss of jobs she mentions are jobs that was manufactured by her Labour Party and serve to give no value to the public sector, only bleed it of resources. And with reference to the NHS when have UKIP ever said it would put it into the private sector? Maybe it would benefit from accountable private sector managers to manage it and deliver the service the tax payers deserve. And I would not go down that route if I was her.

Just look how much debt her Labour controlled council has got Rotherham into with Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and the millions spent making council staff redundant with some very hefty pay-offs to senior managers who haven’t been missed. A case of the kettle calling the pot comes to mind.

UKIP Cllr Caven Vines, Rawmarsh Ward