Elderly under attack

THE elderly and vulnerable residents of this borough are under attack from Coalition policies, which in turn gives Rotherham Labour Party the mandate to punish the poor in order to spread the blame and win back power.

Since 2008 Meals on Wheels has been discarded, the laundry service discarded, benefits cut, bedroom tax, now bowling greens going to save £30,000. Funny enough, about the same amount the councillor who has imposed this spiteful cut on the elderly, claims from the taxpayer every year. Why don’t we cut the councillor and keep the bowling greens? One less Labour councillor won’t matter.

Elderly and vulnerable people are being pushed to the edge by out of touch councillors and MPs, who have failed them on healthcare, housing, bills, food, fuel and now leisure. The three main parties are scraping the barrel to hide their mis- management of the UK economy by attacking the most vulnerable.

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Take Doncaster Council, Ed Miliband’s ward, Bentley, for the last year the elderly and vulnerable residents were provided with a free garden service (funded out of rent and council tax) by an arms length organisation. Most residents could not keep their garden in order because they were old and couldn’t push a lawnmower at 88-years-old,  but according to their tenancy agreement if your garden isn’t kept short you may face eviction.

The free service was withdrawn and now elderly residents have to pay up to £200 per year for the same service. That amounts to a 20pc rise on these people’s council tax.

These people can’t speak up against it, some are bed-bound, and this sort of behaviour by Labour councillors and the Mayor of Doncaster is a disgraceful attack on the most vulnerable and Ed Miliband and Labour should be ashamed of what’s going on under their nose.

Michael Conlon, School Walk, Maltby