Wath Victoria Primary school fighting back

A SCHOOL which went from “good” to “inadequate” in three years is making a satisfactory recovery, inspectors say.

Wath Victoria Primary was slammed in February, when Ofsted said it was failing to give its 250 pupils an acceptable standard of education.

Inspector John Rutherford, who visited in early July, said: “The quality of teaching has improved since the last inspection.

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“Plans are in place to redesign the curriculum in order to provide more stimulating and interesting learning experiences for pupils.

“The new head teacher has reorganised the timetable to provide a better balance in the time given to English and mathematics compared to other subjects.”

Teaching groups have been mixed up to mean less movement between lessons, with pupils telling Ofsted: “There’s a lot less time wasted.”

Attendance is still low but improving and the Sandymount Road school has been told to prioritise improving achievements of pupils with disabilities and special needs.