Make views known on HS2

RESIDENTS in two Dearne Valley villages have been urged this week to make their views known on the proposed high speed rail link through the area — before it is too late.

The villagers of Barnburgh and Harlington were told at a meeting on Monday night that there were just weeks left before the consultation period on the proposed HS2 rail line closes.

There was uproar in July when HS2 put forward a route for the line through Aston, Bramley, Mexborough and the Dearne Valley instead of an option via Meadowhall.

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Doncaster borough councillor Cynthia Ransome and Barnburgh parish councillor Claire White gave an update to residents of the two villages on what action had been taken so far.

They also called on villagers to make their views known by taking part in the consultation which ends in March.

Villagers can have their say via a dedicated online response form at or by emailing [email protected].

Alternatively, people can post a letter to FREEPOST HS2 phase 2B route refinement consultation or fill in a printed form, available from the Harlington shop, the chemist in Barnburgh, The Harlington Inn or The Crown, Barnburgh, where they can also be handed in once completed.

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The deadline for sending the messages of protest is March 1 and the deadline for villagers responding directly to HS2 is March 9.

Cllr Ransome said: “We’ve fought this proposed route since it was announced last summer.

“We’ve taken petitions and letters to Doncaster North MP Ed Miliband, who handed them over to the Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling, we’re working with other villages and areas affected by this proposed HS2 route.

“We’ve taken part in a demonstration in Bramley, Rotherham, and we’ve even been to Downing Street to hand deliver petitions and objection letters directly to Number 10.

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“Now the consultation has started and it is for residents to let HS2 know how they feel about the proposals.”

Cllr Claire White, of Barnburgh Parish Council, said: “We need every resident in this village to now make their views known.

“The more villagers who respond to this consultation, the better.”