Safety fears over Brinsworth blackspot

RESIDENTS are demanding action to cut the toll of accidents at a notorious Rotherham blackspot.

Five people have been injured this year at the junction of Whitehill Lane and Bawtry Road.

In 2010, there were six injury accidents, one of them serious.

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Rotherham College lecturer Lisa Evison (45), who lives in Brinsworth, said: “I’m quite an experienced driver and I feel in danger. The other day I saw someone in a car with a collar on, and the ambulance was there. Does it need someone to die for this junction to be looked at?”

A spokesman for Rotherham Borough Council said they were aware of the problems.

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She said: “Unfortunately, because of the constraints of the junction, which includes the adjacent narrow railway bridge and the steeply rising land opposite Whitehill Lane, there is very little scope for a cost effective road safety intervention scheme. 

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“However, because there have been five accidents already in the first eight months of 2011 it is proposed to carry out a further review of this junction in an effort to identify suitable remedial measures.”