Herringthorpe farm’s planning bid to help bull breeding is rejected

A FARM’S application to house two agricultural workers in a mobile home to oversee bull breeding has been rejected.

Wallis Farming Limited said it required the temporary accommodation to look after the livestock at Honeysuckle Farm on Brecks Lane, Herringthorpe.

Planning documents said farm workers were required on site 24/7 to look after the holstein, Aberdeen Angus and South Devon bulls.

The plan was to employ two full-time workers.

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Six letters of objection were received by RMBC, including one from Dalton Parish Council. There was one letter of support.

A Rotherham Council spokesperson confirmed that the application had been refused, adding: “The council considers that the proposed temporary agricultural worker’s mobile home would represent inappropriate development in the greenbelt, would have an adverse impact on the openness of the greenbelt, and would be contrary to the purposes of

including land within it.

“The applicant has failed to demonstrate any very special circumstances to justify this inappropriate development.”