Police hunt man following street attack

WITNESSES are being sought to an assault in which a man had his jaw broken outside a pub in Edlington.

A 24-year-old man was in the smoking area at the back of the Tumbler pub on Broomhouse Lane at 11.30pm on December 19 when he was punched in an apparently unprovoked attack.

The victim felt a blow to the right-hand side of his face, causing him to fall to the ground. He stood up and was then punched to the left side of his face which again caused him to fall over.

He suffered two fractures to his jaw.

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The victim did not see who attacked him and cannot provide any description.

Officers would like to speak to anyone who was at the Tumbler pub on December 19 and may have witnessed the incident.

Anyone with information is asked to call South Yorkshire Police on 101 quoting incident number 508 of December 20, 2014.