Phone shop raider jailed

A LONDON man who robbed a Parkgate phone shop has been jailed for three years after one victim spotted him in a story about a similar crime.

Samir Youcef Barlow (23) and his accomplices entered the phone shop on March 17, 2013, screaming and shouting at staff and customers.

They fled after ripping phones and tablets from displays, making off with around £10,000 of electrical items.

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Almost a year later, in February 2014, one staff member read a news story online about a similar phone shop raid in Kidderminster.

They recognised Barlow — of Cygnet Way, Hayes — amongst the men jailed for the crime and contacted police.

Barlow was arrested again, identified by witnesses and charged by June 2014.

He received a three-year jail term for the Parkgate robbery at Sheffield Crown Court yesterday.

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Det Con Scott Walker of Rotherham CID said: “Barlow has demonstrated that he is a professional criminal who was willing to travel significant distances to commit crimes.

“He was part of a team that targeted outlets selling expensive electrical items, which could be sold on.

“This robbery was planned in advance and executed in such a manner that, over 18 months later, witnesses are still shaken and scared by the actions of the group that day.”

He added: “I hope that now Barlow’s past has caught up with him and as he spends Christmas behind bars, the staff and customers terrorised by him on that day finally feel some closure.”

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