Bluebell Wood reunites First World War soldier's family with wartime memento

Tom’s great niece Kate with the postcardTom’s great niece Kate with the postcard
Tom’s great niece Kate with the postcard
A SOLDIER’S First World War postcard is back with his family a century later — thanks to Bluebell Wood.

The children’s hospice appealed for help finding relatives after it was donated to one of its charity shops.

The postcard — signed only as “Tom” — has now been passed on to his great niece Kate Bayburt, who was taken aback by the discovery.

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Bluebell Wood head of communications Madeleine Oldale said: “When we discovered the postcard, we felt it was only right to try and reunite it with a member of Thomas’ family so we were delighted when Kate came forward.

“We’d like to thank everyone who shared our appeal and kindly researched the postcard for us; thanks to your help it’s back with his family who will no doubt treasure it for years to come.”

The mystery solider was a Thomas Henry Temprell, from Sheffield, who died in 1916 at just 19. He is buried in the Salonika Military Cemetery in Greece.


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