New hope for Maltby pub

Hopes are brewing that a dilapidated pub at the heart of a community could have new life breathed into it following interest from a major pub chain.

The Queen’s Hotel at Maltby, which has been standing empty for several months, has been at the centre of speculation that recession-defying pub chain J D Wetherspoon is planning to take it over.

A spokesman for the low-cost food and drink specialists this week refused to confirm or deny whether the rumours were true.

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He said that he could not comment on an exact location but confirmed: “We are currently in negotiations for a site in the town and we are keen to have a site in Maltby.”

Residents welcomed the prospect.

The clerk of Maltby Town Council, Ann Stewart, said: “The Queen’s Hotel lies at the very heart of the town and at the moment it is a real eyesore.

“Any prospect of having the building restored to its former glory would be a great boost to the town.”

A Maltby town councillor said: “I am currently compiling a range of historic pictures of Maltby for an exhibition and the Queen’s Hotel is one of the places that keeps cropping up.

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“During its heyday in the early 1930s it was run by a Mr Pike, and I have a fantastic picture of him and all his staff which shows just how successful it must have been once upon a time.

“It would be great to see the good times return.”