New fears of Titans 'muscling in' on Herringthorpe Playing Fields

ROTHERHAM Titans COULD hold training sessions on Herringthorpe Playing Fields under plans to lease off part of the site to Rotherham Rugby Club.

Campaigners have previously accused the club of plotting to let the professional team use the site under an application to fence it off in the name of the amateur and junior teams.

And a draft agreement between the rugby club and Rotherham Borough Council  confirms that, in some circumstances, the fenced-off, floodlit pitches could host Titans training sessions.

That has raised fresh concerns over the plans.

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The lease reserves first use of the land for community, school and council groups  and Rotherham Rugby Club director John McCormick insists that the professionals would be treated like any other group — paying a commercial rate and taking a back seat to the amateur club.

But campaigner Kath Reeder said she was not convinced the Titans would not be allowed to muscle in, adding: “I definitely still see it as a possible extension of the Titans.”