Mum's fury after biker makes seven-year-old's horse bolt

AN ANGRY mum has hit out at a motorcyclist who caused her seven-old-daughter’s horse to bolt on a scenic trail.

The motorcyclist yelled abuse at her when she asked him to turn off his engine when he pulled up close behind her daughter’s horse.

Clare Bettney, of Wath Road in Bolton-on-Dearne, said that most motorcyclists are courteous but this one was unconcerned about her little girl’s safety.

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Motorcyclists are not supposed to use the popular Trans-Pennine Trail but it is a regular haunt for bikers on their machines.

Clare said she and her daughter Ruby were riding on the Trail between Wombwell and Darfield when the incident happened.

She told the Weekender: “This one motorcyclist came up behind my seven-year-old who was on her pony.

“He revved his bike and her horse turned round and ran off.

“I was behind him and said she was seven years old but I still got abuse.”

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Clare said that passers-by tried to help by running after Ruby’s pony to try and stop it.

She said the motorcyclist gave her verbal abuse before riding off. The incident has been reported to the police.

But Clare fears that the outcome for Ruby could have been much worse, especially if her horse had run off close to a busy carriageway.

She said: “She is still a novice but doesn’t want to go out on her horse now.

“The majority of bikers will stop or will turn around.

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“If we had been near a road at the time I dread to think what would have happened.

“I will not take her out on her own again because there is nothing I could do if it happened again.” 

Clare said that the motorcyclist was in his late twenties or early thirties,

She added that people walking their dogs in the area, as well as other horse riders, are being disturbed by some of the motorcyclists as well.

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But she said that horse riders do not abuse the motorcyclists. She said: “We never shout at them or disrespect them.”

A South Yorkshire Police spokesperson said that officers were called to the Trans-Pennine Trail in Wombwell Lane, Barnsley, at about 5.10pm on September 27 following reports that a motorcyclist had scared a young girl riding her horse. 

The spokesperson said that Safer Neighbourhood Team officers regularly patrol the trail seven days a week to minimise any disruption or antisocial behaviour from nuisance bikes.  

Officers carry out targeted foot and cycle patrols along parts of the trail popular with quadbike and motorbike riders, and as a result have identified several offenders.  

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PCSO Stuart Kiley, from Kendray Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “In the last couple of weeks, we have seized one motorbike, and issued two other motorbike riders warnings and advice.

“Over the last few years, we have noticed a decrease in the amount illegal riders using the Trans-Pennine Trail. This is due to us advertising seizures in the local media, and educating those that ride on the trail.”

The police said that illegal motorcyclists caught on the trail face having their vehicle seized or a warning issued which prevents riders from using the route.