MP John Healey quizzed by students at business breakfast

STUDENTS and businessmen and women took the chance to put MP John Healey on the spot at a breakfast meeting on Friday.

Mr Healey took questions at the open forum event at the Holiday Inn, Manvers, organised by the Federation of Small Businesses.

The Wentworth & Dearne MP and shadow housing minister said: “There was a full house.

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“It was an open session, giving businesses and organisations the chance to raise concerns and put questions to me as a local MP.

“There was a particular focus on housing, construction, the loss of council homes and some of the problems caused by new government policy, such as the extension of 'right to buy' to housing associations.

“But concerns were also raised with me about the local economy, HS2, low pay for young people and the lack of good skills training.”

Public services students from Dearne Valley College also attended.

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Gordon Millward, FSB South and East Yorkshire regional chairman, said: “In a rapidly changing business environment, we organised this event to give our members the opportunity to air their views with their local MP.

“It was interesting to hear John Healey’s views on a range of important issues including Northern devolution, the siting of the proposed HS2 station and the Tata job losses.”