LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Warden doing job

I READ with pleasure and surprise the article in the Advertiser regarding the parking problems the LGBT charity shop are experiencing outside their new premises on High Street.

I say surprise and pleasure because now I know there is a traffic officer in the area who seems to be doing their job and that Rotherham Council claim they are monitoring parking in the town.

I travel down Wellgate to the bottom of Doncaster Gate about three times a week and there are always cars parked on the pavement and on double yellow lines, sometimes for hours at a time, all of the day and evening. At the bottom of Mansfield Road there are cars parking outside the gold shop all the time on yellow lines.  Travel up High Street as some motorists do to avoid the one way system and you will eventually come to Westgate where people parking on double yellow lines outside takeaways has been causing problems for years, yet surprisingly nothing seems to happen to the culprits.

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As I travel home along Fitzwilliam Road I see yet more cars parking on the pavement and on double yellows usually outside of shops and takeaways.

If our council are monitoring by CCTV the parking problems in Rotherham and in particular the Wellgate/High Street area then they really need to pull their finger out and stop trying not to offend people who blatantly break the law because they are allowed to get away with it.

Tony Smith

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