Domestic abuse helpline launched in Dearne Valley

DEARNE Valley victims of domestic abuse are being told “don’t suffer in silence this Christmas”.

Doncaster Council and South Yorkshire Police have launched a new helpline with services including confidential advice, support and information for victims.

Current statistics show that the average victim suffers 35 incidents of domestic abuse before they report it.

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Bob Sanderson, strategic lead on domestic abuse for Doncaster Council said: “Domestic abuse is very high on our agenda right now and we hope that through our new approach, we will allow early access to prevent escalation.  

“We want to remind people that domestic abuse is not acceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated within our communities.”

This month also saw the launch of an improved victim service based around community support, emergency refuge and additional housing.

This will complement existing services being provided by long standing partners such as Women’s Aid, Victim Support and the Women’s Centre.

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Supt Peter Norman, force lead on violent crime said: “Victims and their families do not need to suffer in silence.

“There are many excellent services across the county that can offer support if they do not feel comfortable reporting abuse to police.

“South Yorkshire Police will never tolerate domestic abuse and we will always assist people to escape violent and abusive relationships.”

A scheme to help those who commit domestic abuse will also be launched in the borough next April.

For more information contact 0800 4701505 or visit