What's happening in and around your village

WHISTON IN BLOOM - A ‘RHAPSODY IN BLUE’!: Anyone who lives in the Whiston area will know of the proposed housing development of 450 dwellings planned for the fields behind Lathe Road/Worrygoose Lane. These fields, having been arable farmed for at least the last 50 years, were removed from their green belt status by Rotherham Borough Council, paving the way for the planning application which was duly submitted. I don’t know if anyone has passed these fields in the past few days, but if not, it is well worth going to take a look. This year the fields have been planted with Common Flax which is a source of linseed/flax seed oil, and if you go at the right time of day to catch the flowers fully open, it is a sight to behold! Flax is one of the few ‘true blue’ flowers (as most blue flowers are really a shade of purple), and currently this small part of our parish has been transformed into a ‘vision in blue’ - not only beautiful to look at, but providing useful products. As much as additional housing may be needed, at a time when, as a country, we need to be growing more of our own produce, the sight of these fields, productive and in full bloom, for me is argument enough for maintaining their former green belt status.

WHISTON PARISH COUNCIL: At the May meeting, following the resignation of the former chairman, Councillor Kerry Ferris, Councillor Tim Stevenson was appointed to the position of chairman for the ensuing year, with Councillor Colin Taylor again appointed to the position of vice-chairman. The meeting was attended by the RMBC Neighbourhood Liaison Officer who advised that a new joint working agreement had now been completed and that council network meetings were again taking place with all councillors welcome to attend. The liaison officer noted problems with the emptying of waste bins at Cowrakes Park, and matters concerning Whiston Allotments, which she would investigate and attempt to resolve. Approval was given to the quotation to bring the Parish Hall fire alarm system up to British Standards. In the absence of Councillor Tony Griffin, Councillor Elaine Reynard reported that she had attended the recent online flood meeting with RMB. Councillors reported that they had now inspected the signage/plaques around the village, and it was felt that all were in acceptable condition with the exception of signage at “The Pound”, which would require either refurbishment or replacement. A request from the local non-profit Natter Group for sponsorship towards a special Jubilee event was considered and it was agreed that a small donation would be made from the Parish Council to allow attendees a sweet treat/commemorative gift. Permission was also granted for a small shrub to be planted in the area of the Parish Hall car park to mark the occasion. The June meeting took place last Monday, June 20, in the parish hall. An application had been received from former parish councillor, Clive Davis, to re-join the council to fill the current vacancy, and this was approved. Public discussion concerned the parish clock on Whiston Methodist Church and further enquiries will be carried out. Councillor Griffin gave the ward councillors report, and confirmed that he and Councillor David Fisher had recently attended Whiston J&I School following their funding of laptops for the school. Their meeting with the children to discuss the role of a local councillor had raised some very interesting questions and discussion. Councillor Griffin also reported that a community skip for use by residents of Greystones Estate would be in place on July 18. Jordan Arno then gave a report on the youth clubs - both of which are proving very busy and very popular. An update was given on the forthcoming summer event and a working party to co-ordinate the Christmas 2022 event was set up. The July meeting scheduled for Monday, July 18, will be the last meeting before the August recess. 

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WHISTON FLOOD GROUP MEETING: The next meeting of the Whiston Flood Group will take place on Wednesday, July 6, at 7.30pm in Whiston Parish Hall. The meeting will be attended by representatives of Yorkshire Water, the Environment Agency and Rotherham Borough Council and topics to be discussed will include the proposed clean-up of Whiston Brook, together with a potential flood risk plan and the appointment of flood wardens. It should be noted that this meeting is, primarily, for those residents whose homes have been flooded in the past or who are at risk of being flooded in the future.

WHISTON PARISH CHURCH: On Sunday June 26 we celebrated the second Sunday after Trinity. Rev Karen Skidmore presided and preached at the Parish Eucharist. The lesson was read by Ralph Beaumont and Suzanne Booker led the intercessions. The children of Starfish Gang met in the church room and shared with the congregation the poster they had done during the session. The choir was led by Ray Gallagher, organist and choirmaster. Refreshments were served after the service and fellowship was enjoyed by those present. Rev. Karen also baptised Remy Morgan Bentley on Sunday afternoon and the Discipleship Group met on Sunday evening. Little Fishes was held in the Parish Hall on Monday morning. On Wednesday at 10.30am Rev Sue Davies presided at the mid-week Communion which was followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. Today (Thursday, June 30) the Open the Book team will visit three schools (Whiston Worrygoose, Newman and Whiston J &I) and give a dramatised version of a Bible story. On July 3 the Parish Communion will be at 9.45am and Choral Evensong at 6pm. Youthzone will also meet that evening. The Natter group will meet in the Parish Hall on July 4 from 10.30 to 11-30am. All are welcome to all services and activities. To make arrangements for weddings and baptisms, please ring 01709 519025. For information regarding children and young people activities be in touch with Lucy Luckock on 07707 863901. For further information, contact our Oversight Ministers: Rev Karen Skidmore on 01709 836052 or Rev Toby Gibbons on 07507524699; or Churchwarden Alan Teale on 07803021201; or see the church website www.whiston-parish-church.org.uk Email: [email protected]

WHISTON METHODIST CHURCH: Please note that, this Saturday, to coincide with the summer event, the church will be open from 3pm-6pm when there will be stalls, refreshments and crafts for the children.

BROOM METHODIST CHURCH: This weeks service was led by Lynda Gascoyne on the theme of 'never alone' and the power of the Holy Spirit. Next Sunday, July 3, will be the family service at 11.30am, followed by a meal and activities for children and adults. The Stag Festival raised a total of £980 with the Broom Methodist tombola stall contributing £128. This will be distributed amongst four charities. Thank you to everyone who came along to support the event. The clothing bank will be removed at the end of the month. Local residents are asked not to leave bags at the side of the bank prior to and after this date. 

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WHISTON HERITAGE SOCIETY: The next meeting of the Heritage Society will take place on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at 7.15pm in Whiston Parish Hall. This will feature a talk by Matthew Hopps entitled: ‘George Shaw: A Legacy in Pottery, Flint, Coal and Steel’ . Described as follows: An exploration of the lives of the Shaw Family; and their home at Sitwell House; one of three large, luxurious manor houses on the site of the modern-day Swinden Laboratories at Moorgate during the late-Victorian period. The entry fee is £3 each and refreshments will be served. Please see our website for full details: www.whiston-heritage-society.co.uk.

11TH ROTHERHAM BROWNIES: The Brownies thoroughly enjoyed an evening working on the theme Have Adventures when the girls completed the Skills Builder, Happy Feet. The idea of this skills builder was to show how to keep your equipment dry when out walking, explorers carry on whatever the weather but being wet can make you cold. If your spare clothes get wet you’re going to be miserable! They also found out how important it is to look after their feet whilst out walking. The girls brought a plastic bag with pyjamas, socks and a towel. Firstly they tied a knot in the bag, had a short walk and then poured water over their bags and they all found that their items were dry. We all then enjoyed water fun including games with water bombs!

50TH ROTHERHAM BROWNIE PACK: Last Wednesday the Brownies continued working towards their know myself skills builder badge. They completed the UMA know myself on a plate, which meant giving each other positive compliments and then drawing food on a plate to depict each of these i.e. cheese because they are cheerful, honey because they are helpful etc. We then went on to play games in groups and therefore learnt to work together.

WHISTON YOUTH CLUB: This week at Whiston Youth Club we had a fantastic night celebrating Pride. We enjoyed an evening filled with music, discussions, crafts and fun! Our young people were excellent and we had some informed discussions about why we celebrate Pride and the history behind the event. Our young people really got into the spirit by dressing in rainbow colours, painting their faces and joining in with the activities we put on. We have to save a massive thank you to Thomas Rotherham College for lending us a number of books relating to LGBTQ and Pride. They were well received by our group. It's getting close to the summer but we still have lots more going on, so why not come down and see us? We have some exciting news for September - we are looking forward to hosting our first ever sleepover and coffee morning! More information to follow! Whiston Youth Club is always welcoming new members and we would love to say hello. Don't forget we have our junior club for young people aged 7-11 and our senior club for young people aged 11+. Come down and see us at Whiston Parish Hall on a Thursday evening during school term time at 6pm. Finally, if you want the opportunity to make a difference to the young people at Whiston Youth Club why not come and volunteer with us, no experience necessary and full training provided! Email: [email protected] for more information.

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WHISTON PARISH CHURCH CRICKET CLUB: History was made at Churchfields on Saturday as Aura Kent made her debut for the 2nd XI aged 16. She became the first female to be selected for senior cricket on Saturdays and was presented with a club cap by Andy Green. Whiston PC will be holding its 10th charity day in aid of Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice on Sunday, July 10, starting at noon. There will be attractions for children, a big raffle, auction items and catering from Lawns Farm. Raffle prize donations would be most welcome. The match will be between a Parish Legends XI and a Parish Select XI. 

WARD WALK/STREET SURGERY: Following an invitation from Whiston Residents Action Group, we are pleased to advise that Rother Valley MP, Alexander Stafford, has accepted the invitation to join us for a Ward Walk and discussion Friday, July 8. In the past, he has voiced his objections to the two proposed housing developments on land adjacent to Lathe Road and Sheepcote Road, and he will be available for residents to come along and discuss any matters which they may wish to raise. He will be on Shrogswood Road, near the gates to Sitwell Park Golf Club, from 2 to approximately 3pm. Please come along and show your support if you can.

WHISTON RESIDENTS ACTION GROUP: The online meeting of WRAG took place on Wednesday, June 22. A reply to WRAG’s email regarding the submission of a new Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) for planning application RB2022/0017 was received from RMBC Case Officer, Robert Morrell. WRAG had asked why the original Flood Risk Assessment had been replaced and removed, to which Mr. Morrell replied: “The original FRA has been replaced by the current FRA because the previous one was carried out sometime ago and it was decided by officers that a newer version be submitted to provide a more up-to-date state of affairs in respect of potential flood risk issues should the site be developed and how these matters may potential be mitigated.” In response, and if the October 2017 FRA was considered out of date, WRAG asked why this document was not simply replaced by the updated 2019 version, also by Mott MacDonald, rather than a completely new FRA be commissioned from a different company, Eastwood & Partners. Mr Morrell advised that WRAG should send this enquiry directly to the applicant/agent; however, in the absence of an email address for the agent, WRAG asked if he could supply one. Instead, he contacted the agent who did not wish to add any further comment to the reply given by Mr Morrell. WRAG had requested that the original FRA, compiled by Mott MacDonald, be re-instated to the RMBC Planning Portal for comparison purposes, and this has now been done. Please note that Yorkshire Water’s comments in relation to the new Flood Risk Assessment have now been added to the Planning Portal.

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