Cut out the abuse, penny for the guy kids told

YOUNGSTERS in Rotherham seeking a ‘penny for the guy’ before Bonfire Night night have been asked by police to preserve the “spirit of the activity”.

The advice came after a PCSO told youths on move from outside the One Stop shop on Park Lane, Rawmarsh, when a member of the public received abuse from the group for ignoring their request.

A police spokeswoman said: “A PCSO from Wentworth South Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) asked a group of youths outside a shop in Rawmarsh to move on, after a member of the public complained that the teenagers were verbally abusive when he did not donate a 'penny for the guy'.”

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She added: “Officers from the SNT are asking children and teenagers that participate in this seasonal activity to do so with care, consider safety issues and not be rude or antisocial to anyone who does not want to join in.”

Police also advise that anyone using a guy to raise money outside a shop or other venue should seek the owner’s permission first.

They insist that abusive teens have not been a particular problem in the run up to this Guy Fawkes Night, with no similar cases yet reported.