Two homes burgled by bogus workers

BOGUS workers burgled two houses after distracting the homeowners.

A property on Storey Street, Swinton, and another on Oak Road, Wath, were both targeted on Monday.

Detectives are investigating both burglaries and asked anyone with any information to get in touch.

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Sgt Aidy Luscombe, of Rotherham North local police team (LPT), said: “These crimes are being investigated by CID because of the seriousness of them.

“We are not sure if the incidents are linked but on both occasions the suspects have distracted the residents with a view to taking property from the homes.

“Our offices are doing some background checks and reassurance work in both area.”

Anyone with any information should contact police on 101.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.