Six bailed after “shooting” incident

SIX people arrested following a shooting incident have been bailed by police.

Five men and a woman were arrested after reports of shots being fired in the Burncross road area of Chapeltown in Sheffield at around 11pm on Friday.

Officers immediately secured a scene and conducted searches in the surrounding areas, a South Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said.

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The spokeswoman added the six suspects were arrested in the Upper Wortley Road area of Rotherham.

A 24-year-old woman and the five men — two aged 23 and the others aged 21, 22, 24 — were all arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder and taken in to police custody.

No injuries were reported and all six have now been bailed.

Det Sgt Andy Shields said: “The investigation is in the very early stages and while we have made arrests, I would urge anyone who has any information to please come forward and make contact with police.

“There will be additional patrols in the Chapeltown area and a more visible police presence to provide reassurance to the local community, and if anyone has concerns I would encourage them to please get in touch.”

If anyone has any information or concerns, they should call police on 101 quoting incident number 1325 of 15 July 2016.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.