Nursery fights back after arson attack

AN arson attack wrecked a nursery and left parents and staff devastated - but the community is determined to fight back.

Equipment and youngsters' drawings were wrecked as a trail of destruction was left at Swinton’s Fenwood House Day Nursery following the blaze early last Friday.

But the award-winning nursery was rising from the ashes this week on a wave of community spirit.

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“Community spirit is definitely not dead in Swinton. We’re coming out of the ashes, the help we’ve had has just been overwhelming,” said business manager Leanna Gleadhall.

The private nursery cares for six children aged under two in the baby room and 18 aged two and above in the main room. It employs 11 members of staff — two managers and nine practitioners.
A spokesman for South Yorkshire Fire confirmed that the fire was being treated as deliberate.
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