Clampdown on “anti-social” off-road bikers

POLICE have seized four off-road motorbikes and quad bikes which were seen being ridden in an "anti-social manner".

The action was part of a targeted operation by South Yorkshire Police to tackle nuisance bikers.

Officers conducted patrols in Maltby and Stainton on Sunday (August 14) and spoke to off-road bikers and took action.

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Four bikes were seized from riders who had previously been warned about using them in an anti-social manner and two anti-social behaviour notices were issued.

Insp Mark Payling, of South Yorkshire Police, said: “We know that people in the local area have concerns about off-road bikes and I want to reassure residents that we are taking action.

“Bikers can be dealt with for not wearing helmets, riding a bike without a valid licence or MOT, as well as other road safety offences. 

“I don’t want people to suffer in silence if these bikes are bothering them.

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“Information we receive from members of the public is really important in helping us to clamp down on this issue, particularly as bikers are often wearing helmets, which can make it hard to identify them.”

Insp Payling said he hoped to extend the operation across the district

He added: “Anyone who is caught riding an off-road bike without a helmet, in an area where they shouldn’t be or without the necessary documents, will have their bike seized and could face being issued with an antisocial behaviour notice.”

If you are having problems with off-road bikes, or have any information as to who may be riding them, call 101.

Incidents can also be reported online and information sent to [email protected].

If you want to remain anonymous call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.