Does your family have what it takes to tackle Ray’s 10k fitness challenge?

Ray Matthews with I-Motion gym manager, Tasha Wilde and personal trainer, Matt ArdronRay Matthews with I-Motion gym manager, Tasha Wilde and personal trainer, Matt Ardron
Ray Matthews with I-Motion gym manager, Tasha Wilde and personal trainer, Matt Ardron
MARATHON man and Rotherham 10k organiser Ray Matthews wants you!

The inspirational pensioner is looking for two families who want to make a difference to their lives and get fit together while training for the second annual Rotherham 10k, which takes place in May.

Ray (77) will put the families through a structured rigorous training regime and promises to take them from zero to 10k in 12 weeks.

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The training package also includes a three-month membership for a family (up to four people) at i-Motion gym in Parkgate with a personal trainer — worth around £2,000.

Ray, who ran 75 marathons in 75 days at the age of 75, said: “I’m a firm believer that exercise is good for the mind, body and soul and with some expert knowledge and bags of enthusiasm, together we can show that anyone is capable of taking on a 10k.”

Ray and an i-Motion personal trainer will meet with the chosen families the week commencing Monday, February 18, to devise the 12-week plan.

Training will include outdoor training with Ray and indoor sessions at i-Motion.

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The chosen families will need to be available for up to four training sessions a week — but more importantly, be ready to make positive changes to their lifestyle.

Children have to be aged over 16 and families must also be happy to be pictured for the Advertiser to update readers on their progress.

The scheme is open to all the family — mums, sons, grandparents, cousins — but participants must not be undergoing treatment for any medical conditions where physical activity has been ruled out.

i-Motion manager, Tasha Wilde, said Ray’s 10k training challenge was a “fantastic” idea and the gym was keen to get behind it.

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“We’ve hit a bit of a crossroads in Rotherham with health and obesity,” said Tasha, who warmed up the crowds at last year’s 10k in Clifton Park. “Anything that encourages families to get fit and active is great for the town.

“A 10k is an achievable goal to work towards and to do it as a family will be even more special.

“It will be great to see the families come together to train side-by-side in the gym and outdoors, instead of sitting in front of the TV. 

“Exercise is also great for improving people’s mental health — so we’re sure we’re going to see positive results all round from the participants.”

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To put yourself and up to three family members forward for Ray’s 10k challenge, email [email protected] with the full names and ages of your family team. 

You also need to state why Ray should pick you and why you want to take part.

Chosen families will still be subject to the Rotherham 10k £16 entry fee.

For more information on the run visit