Planning confirmation for Kiveton Tap micropub

AN EMPTY cafe’s conversion into a micropub has been completed with the confirmation of planning permission from Rotherham Council.
The site in its cafe daysThe site in its cafe days
The site in its cafe days

The Kiveton Tap opened in March in a former shoe repair unit on Wales Road, Kiveton Park, which had been empty since late 2023.

RMBC said that although a retail use would have been preferred, the 66sq metre pub would still help contribute to the viability of the village’s economy.

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There were four objections, which criticised the potential noise disruption and the lack of parking or suitable smoking area space outside.

There were also 44 representations in support of the one-room tap, which noted the loss of two established pubs in the area and said a small social venue would be a valuable asset while not detracting from existing shops.

Local councillors also backed the application, saying it would fill empty shop space in an “under-utilised” retail area and offer something new to the area.

An RMBC spokesperson said: “Whilst the proposed micropub is not a preferred use for a prime shopping street it is considered that in this instance the proposal will bring back a vacant unit into use helping to contribute to the vitality and viability of the town centre providing a day/night time facility for the local community that could encourage linked trips to other uses without being harmful to area.

“Although no music is proposed it is recommended that to protect neighbouring residents from any unacceptable noise a condition be attached to prevent any amplified music being provided.”